Are you seeking to transfer ownership of your SME and pass on your entrepreneurial spirit? It is important to understand that only a small percentage of companies are able to complete a transfer successfully.
Taking on the task of handing over executive power and to proceed with the sale of your company can sometimes take long, so the best is to start as early as possible with the help of FUSACQ.
Our team of professionals takes a comprehensive look at your situation. A confidential process that respects your needs is put in place so that we never lose sight of the sustainability of your business.
If you talk to our former clients and our professional network, you will want to do business with FUSACQ and thus obtain the best value for your company with the most advantageous terms and conditions.
FUSACQ is there to facilitate negotiations from launch to closing of the transaction and much more. Don’t hesitate – contact us, a brief meeting will allow you to better appreciate our approach.