10 Reasons to Consider Growth Through Acquisition…

Many entrepreneurs rely on organic growth to increase their sales.  

Here are 10 good reasons why you should consider an acquisition…


  1. COVID was a contributing factor, many entrepreneurs finally decided it was time – there’s more choice for buyers!
  2. Having a larger company afterwards allows you to bid on a wider variety of contracts.
  3. Many companies are at a crossroads… should we invest in technology? Should the business model be adapted? An acquirer is often the solution “to take the company to another level”.
  4. Organic growth has its limits – time is money, and resources can be found quickly. With the scarcity of manpower, recruitment is not easy.
  5. Some business sectors are highly fragmented… many small players with few resources. Market consolidation is profitable.
  6. An acquisition opens new opportunities for the team. Options, development possibilities and career choices increase with the size of the company.
  7. A larger company can afford better resources, some of them more specialized.
  8. By buying your suppliers – you can control the supply chain and manage the risk of delays.
  9. The bigger you are, the more it’s worth. EBITDA multiples increase with company size – it’s doubly profitable!
  10. Don’t forget the 10th reason… to make more money!